Ankle Sprain Treatment

 Ankle sprain treatment begins immediately following injury and usually continues for up to 2 weeks. The first 24 hours is the ‘bleeding’ phase. Treatment methods include the following:

Cold therapy & compression

Apply ice or cold therapy as soon as possible after injury. This reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin as it may burn. Wrap in a wet tea towel, or better still, use a cold therapy compression wrap.

Apply cold for 10 mins every hour initially, reducing the frequency as your symptoms improve. Elevate your ankle as this reduces swelling by allowing tissue fluids to drain away.

Rest your sprained ankle!

It is important to rest. If you continue to walk or run on an injured ankle you run the risk of it becoming worse. It is much easier to cure a recent injury than it is a long-term chronic one.

Wear an ankle brace

Wear an ankle brace or support to protect the injured ligaments and provide compression. Initially, a simple elastic compression sleeve or support is ideal, whilst later in the rehabilitation process, a stronger brace with additional lateral support at the side may help protect the ligaments.


A professional therapist may use electrotherapy, such as ultrasound to help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Ultrasound transmits high-frequency sound waves into the tissues for a micro-massage effect.


Sports massage helps reduce swelling in the acute stage. Later, cross-friction massage directly to the ligament helps correct scar tissue formation.


Taping for ankle sprains protects your injured ankle and improves confidence following injury. It supports the damaged tissues in your ankle and activates the surrounding muscles.

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