Spermatic Cord Torsion

Spermatic cord torsion occurs when the testicle twists, reducing blood flow, while a scrotal contusion is an impact-induced injury to the scrotum.

Spermatic Cord Torsion

Spermatic cord torsion, an urgent condition due to the risk of testicle death from blood loss, manifests as severe pain requiring immediate medical aid.

Symptoms include:

  • Severe, sudden scrotal pain
  • Swelling and tenderness
  • Feeling of testicular heaviness
  • Possible nausea and vomiting

The causes encompass:

  • Abnormal testicle mobility
  • Direct impact-inducing rotation
  • High incidence in adolescence
  • Increased risk with larger testicles


Immediately seek medical help. A potential ultrasound or dye-injection test might assess the testes’ blood flow. Insufficient blood supply necessitates surgical intervention within 24 hours to prevent permanent damage.

Surgery involves cord untwisting and testicle fixation to prevent future torsions.

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