scrotal contusion

Scrotal Contusion

Scrotal contusion, a condition that emerges from direct trauma or impact to the scrotum or testicles, frequently crops up in sports scenarios. This injury occurs when a swift, blunt force collides with this sensitive area, potentially causing significant discomfort and swelling.


Symptoms of direct trauma to the scrotum or testicles include:

  • Severe pain at the time of impact or trauma.
  • Swelling and bruising in the testicles, which may develop later.
  • Nausea or feeling of sickness.
  • Tenderness in the area may persist for a few days.

What is a scrotal contusion?

A scrotal contusion, characterized by bleeding and bruising in the scrotum or testicles, typically stems from a direct blow, such as one from a ball or an adversary. This injury manifests in severe pain, swelling, and tenderness, and can even trigger nausea.

While these symptoms may be unsettling, the reassuring news is that scrotal contusions often mend on their own, without leading to complications or persistent issues. In fact, with adequate rest, application of ice packs, and over-the-counter pain relievers, recovery can be smooth and relatively swift.


To treat a scrotal contusion, rest and allowing the body to heal naturally are essential. In most cases, no side effects or long-term problems occur from this injury. A doctor may suggest painkillers and the use of cold packs or baths to alleviate pain, bleeding, and swelling.

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