What is (VMO) vastus medialis oblique muscle?
VMO is short for vastus medialis oblique muscle. It is not an injury, but one of the quadriceps muscles on the inside front of the thigh, just above the knee. VMO strengthening is a rehab technique to strengthen the quads, control knee extension and control the tracking of the patella.

Strengthening this muscle is particularly important for knee rehabilitation as it not only helps to extend (straighten) the knee but also helps control the position of the patella (kneecap). This is important for the prevention and rehabilitation of a number of knee injuries including anterior knee pain and patellofemoral pain.
Who is this program suitable for?
This program is suitable for anyone wishing to strengthen the VMO muscle. In particular, for anterior knee pain or patellofemoral pain syndrome. Whether it is a recent injury or you have suffered for some time we take you step by step from injury to full fitness. Ideal for both beginner and elite-level athletes.
How does it work?
The app tells you exactly what to do each day (Today’s tasks) and records your progress to be reviewed later by yourself, or your coach/physio. Paul guides you through the program via a series of videos explaining each phase and the exercises and treatment methods involved.
The program is criteria-based, not time-based. You progress through the phases, only moving on to the next phase when you have reached specific exit criteria.
Program structure
The program consists of 3 phases:
Phase 1
This is the introductory phase and lasts from 1 to 2 weeks. Work through the exercises each day and move on when you reach the Exit Criteria.
Phase 2
Phase 2 moves on from basic isometric exercises and focuses on strengthening exercises that involve movement.
Phase 3
This is the advanced strengthening phase and builds on the first two phases.
What is included?
The program consists of treatment and healing, stretching & mobility, strengthening, activation, movement control and functional exercises, as well as cardiovascular workouts to maintain fitness whilst you recover.
Treatment & Healing
This covers how and when to apply treatment such as cold therapy & compression, heat, massage, and taping.
Over 60 different exercises with video demonstrations covering mobility & stretching, activation, strengthening, motion control/proprioception, and functional.
Priority support
If you have any questions about the program or your progress then use in-app support to get in touch with our qualified sports therapist for advice.